Bandhavgarh can be easily reached from major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolakata, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Ahmedabad as well as all the tourist destinations of Madhya Pradesh.
Nearest Airports: Jabalpur 9 200 kms | 4 hrs drive ) and Khajuraho ( 270 kms | 6 hrs drive ). Jabalpur is having daily flights from Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Kolkata.
Jabalpur is having daily flights from Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Kolkata.
Guests can fly to Khajuraho via Varanasi.
Railway Stations: Umariya, Katni and Jabalpur.
The nearest railway stations are Umaria station (37kms), Katni railway station (100kms) and Jabalpur railway station (195 kms). All these stations are well connected with most major cities. A private transfer from these stations can be arranged.
From Umaria : At a distance of 37 kms | 1 hr drive, is well connected with Bandhavgarh.
From Jabalpur : Bandhavgarh is about 200kms from Jabalpur cit & the roads are smooth.
Take the road via Shahpura via SH22 and MP SH11.
From Katni : This city is important railway junction and is about 100kms/2.5 hrs drive from Bandhavgarh. One can travel by road from Katni to Bandhavgarh via Umaria or Barhi town.
From Khajuraho : It is at a distance of 250kms/05:00hrs is also well connected.
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